Monday, August 20, 2012

8/19/2012 - Day 5

Penny had a visit to the vet for the first time. She was 3.5lbs! She's in great health, yay!

So Sunday was the big day! We surprised both of our parents by inviting them to dinner and they got to see Penny. 

Scott's mom

My dad - on the left / Scott's dad - on the right

Our first "family" photo!

Lilly (Mom's shih tzu) liked the bed I made as well!

She's hilarious!
 What a great dinner, we had so much fun. Penny is so playful and fun. We're so happy that mom brought over Lilly. For the first time, Penny actually got to play with someone close to her size. (Bailey boy won't play with her) Mom will be puppy sitting on Tuesday while I have band practice, so Penny will get to play again!

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